Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hable Con Ella

Hable Con Ella I had seen this one years ago in theater and liked it (no surprise since I seem to like all Almodovar films) I wanted to watch it because I'm learning Spanish on my own. Well apparently a rewatch did wonders for me since I liked it even better this time. There is a question on what is acceptable. We are shown the view point of a criminal who actually rapes a coma patient and gets her pregnant. He is a distrubed indiviudal but not really harmful. He is a nurse and really a loving person but obssessed with his coma patient (and he was obssessed with her before she became comatose). He takes care of her excellently seemingly oblivious to anything sexual. However after watching an erotic silent film he gives into his urges and probably didn't think clearly of the consequences at the time. He committed this heinous crime but we are shown that he is not evil. There is another smaller story but all in all I love this one (maybe not as much as All About My Mother, Tie Me Up Tie Me Down or Volver but still more than a lot of other films). 

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