Monday, November 30, 2015

Petals in the Wind

Petals in the Wind is this what people call serendipity? I had finished the novel and didn't think of seeking out the sequels but I saw this Lifetime film adaptation of the sequels.


At the end of the novel the children managed to escapte the attic with one casualty and they decided not to go to the police with the evidence of their mother's attempts to murder them using poison. (yeah)

Apparently they had a stroke of good luck when a housemaid finds them and takes them to her employer who likes them so much that not only he takes them in but adopts them and send them to good schools (the kids are all smart). We learn all this in the eulogy for the guy before even the credits end. Anyway the kids now have a chance to a normal life but they have been messed up badly and the elder brother and sister continue incest, the younger sister is unable to resist bullying and turns out to be have sexual issues (she is ok with boyfriend of her elder sister to fondle her and actually encourages the guy) and they still want to talk to their mother who refuses to speak to them. Anyway more horrors await due to the messed up nature of the kids who don't seem to respond well to the now changes life full of good opportunities and a nice use of their talents. It doesn't end well for either. 

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