Monday, November 16, 2015

The Way of Kings

The Way of Kings ended up being a delicious mistake. At one point I have read a few contemporary fantasy novels and gave up on the genre due to the fact that these more often than not ended up being a part of long series and one has to purchase all at some point. I thought this was not very appealing. Nevertheless I gave in to Game of Thrones when a salesperson at the only bookstore in Hilo insisted that I'll like it and I did, enough to purchase all the books and now am eagerly waiting for the next one. I didn't think I'd fall for this again but I have read Elantris - a single fantasy novel- and liked it. Also in the electronic environments I tend to lean towards long novels (a misguided attempt to have more value for the money) and I gave in to temptation to put a long novel in Kindle (it also feels great to be able to carry a novel that would normally give you a hard time - War and Peace caused me to have muscles) anyway and I have decided to give this a try on a long car trip with colleagues which started at 05:00 a:m. And I was hooked.

This novel is in some ways similar to Elantris but better. I liked the AU and the stones and soulcastings, Radiants etc. I especially liked the hero. The heroine is not my type of person but she is not bad. Anway this is supposed to be a 10 novel series and there are only 2 books out. I have got the second one in audible now (yeah, but I saved money on it since it was included in the store credit of my colleague). And I can't wait to start to it this evening :)

Highly recommended but only if you are willing to invest time and money. Otherwise try Elantris. 

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