Thursday, November 12, 2015

Breaking Bad - Season One

Breaking Bad I know everyone loves this show and it was also highly recommended to me by a colleague whose opinion I refer to from time to time. And inevitably I have already purchased the first three seasons thinking that I'd love it. I didn't. It took me ages to finish the first season (7 episodes).

At first I thought it was because there is a lack of hot men in the show. I'm attracted to no one. But then I remembered The Sopranos - one of my all time fave shows, one that I have watched more than once- and there is not a single person I'm attacted to in there either. Same goes for Sex & The City, I love it but none of the men in it appeal to me (and they were a varied bunch now that I think of it).

Anyway it must have been the characters. The story so far is about a 50 years old genius chemistry teacher who has a dominant wife and a special needs son (not mentally deficient) and he finds out that the has terminal lung cancer. There is treatment and it is expensive but more importantly his wife is 8 months pregnant and he wants to leave some money to his family after he dies. And giving the matter some thought he decides to engage in meth making partnering with an ex studen (who he flunked in chemistry). Ironically his brother in law (his wife's sister's husband) is a DEA agent and our teacher was inspired by him.

This season was a warm up. He only kills two people and manages to blow up an upper floor of a building. He starts treatment too (his wife insisted).

I probably just don't like the idea of a regular guy to be corrupted. Almost everyone in Sopranos was evil but they were already there. Here, this guy is a normal person and at the end of Episode 7, he has already made a solid deal with a crazy whole sale supplier and actually starts to feel good about the whole thing (as evidenced by his sex drive to his wife's delighted amazement) I already have season 2 and 3 so I'll keep on with it eventually I suppose. Maybe I'll grow into it.

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