Thursday, November 20, 2014

Vampire Knight

Vampire Knight I have been hearing about this for years and when I saw a good deal on a second hand disc at amazon I decided to give it a go. Well it was ok I suppose but I was not captivated as I normally am. Three major characters are Yuki our intrepid and kind hearted heroine, Zero our poor hero whose family was murdered by a vampire of highest cast (in this AU vampires have different casts and powers) and now is a vampire of the lowest cast, and Kaname one of the noblest of vampires whose only weakness is his feelings for Yuki. All these are happening at a boarding school that has two separate classes for students who study at day time and for students (vampires) who study at night time. Of course the vampires put their superior abilities to the service of science (though we never get to see it). Yuki has a mysterious past and she likes both Zero and Kaname (who saved her from another vampire once).

This one has a loyal following and everyone who watches it fell for it. I also purchased the follow up Vampire Knight Guilty. I sure hope that it will offer something more to my liking. 

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