Thursday, November 27, 2014

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit

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The site has a snarky review of the film.

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit it was so bad that I fell asleep towards the end. Seriously. Should an action film put you to sleep? But everything was so predictable, so formulaic and so stale that I felt I have watched this film many times. Chris Pine is a decent actor with likable screen presence but he doesn't have what it takes to rebook a character actred previously by Harrison Ford. He is great as Captain Kirk but those films are not one man films no? Anyway the villain is Kenneth Branagh (who is also the director) and he is your typical Russian villain. Aaaand I don't think Russians make good villains in US films anymore. They just don't.
Love interest is Keira Knightley who face looks like she is constantly pouting. Mentor is Kevin Costner who I can't help but like ever since Tin Cup.

So this was a waste of time but I watched it anyway.

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