Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fall of Giants

Fall of Giants is not the type of novel I'd have chosen since the back ground of the story is the First World War. But not only I was captivated throughout but also I started to read Rupert Graves' Goodbye to All That' which is his First World War memoir.

The novel is the story of the start and end of the First World War told from the point of views of several characters. Billy and Ethel are Welsh and they are the children of a Socialist Preacher and Union Representative in coal mines. Ethel works as the house keeper in the house of the Earl of that town, Fitzherbert. The  Earl has a sister who is a suffragate and in love with Walter, a German nobleman (who is a consular employee) who loves her back. Meanwhile in Tzarist Russia we have brothers Gregory - the elder and responsible- and Lev - four years younger and a scoundrel, the one that has that certain charm and luck getting out of every bad situation-. Also we have an American, Gus who works for the President.

Mr.Follet is a great story teller. I loved The Pillars of the Earth but this one is even better. It even got me interested in the war (my least favorite genre, a horrible stain on humanity in whatever shape or form). The reader is effortlessly being informed of the historical events and easily captivated by the whole thing.

The recurring theme in the interactions between the major and side characters was, oddly enough, virginity. One gets to read all kinds of first experiences which seemed odd to me. Not disturbing but I have noticed it. The good characters in the novel are all respectful to women and the two major female characters are really strong, intelligent and capable women.

I definitely recommend this one since John Lee was an excellent reader, making all the accents and conveying all feelings perfectly well. Great job Mr.Lee. 

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