Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Good-by To All That

Good-bye To All That was recommended to me after I announced that I love I, Claudius. I never seeked it out since war is my least fave genre and I simply was not interested. But when I saw it at a second hand book store in San Francisco, it was so cheap that I grabbed it for a rainy day. Well after Ken Follet's Fall of the Giants my interest in the First World War peaked up and I thought I'd give it a try as a companion piece. Well it worked out fine and even though it is not a favorite I like the writing style and the story. I especially liked the kind things he wrote about Thomas Hardy (one of my all time favorites). And how he seems to be honest to himself and has no problem writing about his faults - which are not the usual "good" faults if you know what I mean.

And it is once again evident how stupid and unnecessary that war was.

Recommended if you are interested at that period of time but otherwise you won't lose much by not reading it.

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