Tuesday, November 4, 2014

10 Items or Less

Photo credit: http://www.starsandpopcorn.com

10 Items or Less came to my attention years ago as a trailer on another dvd. But I didn't pursue it and was not really interested. And then it came on Dvdigi and I decided to give it a try.

Morgan Freeman, who I love, is a respected Hollywood actor who didn't work for 4 years and decided to dip his toes into films again by starring in a small indie. He is taken (by Jonah Hill - talk about an annoying man who happens to be a good actor which further annoys me) to a small supermarket at the poor side of town to observe the store manager. There he meets Scarlet, who is played by Paz Vega, an unlucky actress who happens to have similar features with Penelope Cruz but she doesn't get as many jobs but she is very likable and actually good. Anyway Scarlet is over qualified for the job but lacks the self confidence to seek other employment more suited to her abilities. Well Morgan takes her on when his ride (annoying Jonah) doesn't come back and he was unable to reach anyone that will take him back to his house. So they spend a day together and just talk, eat etc.

 It was fun to watch and in the end I'm glad it came out my way. 

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