Monday, June 9, 2014

Relic and Some Musings

Relic was one of the selections in the Audible app of a colleague who is kind enough to let me use it. It was not a novel I'd have chosen to read but it was there and I have already exhausted the library so instead of rereading(listening to) something I have already read, I decided to go for this one.

And I was pleasantly surprised. By no means a great novel, it nevertheless entertained me and despite the story was in mid 90s and the whole 'not being able to enter the museum' premise a bit of a plot strech, it didn't age badly and I was totally into it.

The story is a murder mystery in Museum of Natural History in NYC. The person who is responsible to deal with this is Pendergast (a Southern FBI Agent) but one of the things I liked about this book is that everyone of the good guys has a chance to be a hero and the villains are also given enough time.

The second thing I like best about it is the female hero (who was given more time than Pendergast) who is smart, capable and brave and not a bombshell or anything.

Also there was not much romance in the novel, some feelings of affection to our lead heroine from a minor character that was all. If there is any romance developed between the heroine and the journalist, it was being left to our imagination.

And I liked the ending (the Epilogue) very much.

All in all Relic turned out to be decent effort and I enjoyed it.

Meanwhile I'm currently reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Raynd and well have a lot of opinions and the novel seems to drag (though not the fault of the prose or plot) and weigh me down with the ideas presented in it.

So I decided to listen to Pride and Prejudice again as a balm for my literary aches since I don't want to give up and stop reading Atlas Shrugged despite the fact that there are other books I want to read.

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