Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Drive Angry

Drive Angry was recommended to me by two different co workers and now that I have seen it, I can see that this is an amazing thing. The reason for that is the film's R rating and scenes of nudity. I guess I'm lucky to have great co workers (for the curious one is female and the other is male) Anyway I have decided to get it when it fell to the bargain bin and I ended up liking it a lot. I like the soundtrack, the action scenes and the flow and rythm of the film. The plot is not that interesting a man escapes from a prison (SPOILERS) to save his baby granddaughter to be sacrificed at a satanic cult ritual. The leader of the cult has killed his daughter and her husband. There is a mysterious man trying to catch him and a great waitress whose car he had needed. Amber Heard is the waitress and it was not a good performance but I liked the character and let it go. Nicholas Cage is the hero and  William Fitchner plays the prison guard and Billy Burke plays the satanic cult leader. Of course I immediately figured out that he ran away from hell (literally) and in the end the guard allows him to get his revenge and he leaves the baby with the waitress and his best friend (David Morse) from when he was alive (I guess he is still his best friend because he doesn't even hesitate to help him out).

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