Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Go Lucky

Happy - Go - Lucky  I had never seen a Mike Leigh film before, and when I saw this on DVDigi, I remembered liking Sally Hawkings very much in Blue Jasmine and it sounded like a rom com so I started watching it. First off, this is not a rom com. This is more like a slice of life film with things happening around this lady who tries to be happy go lucky, is understanding, loving and despite seemingly immature, in actually she is very mature and also very good at her job. After her bike got stolen she decides to get a license and starts to take driving lessons. Her driving instructor is a bigoted, angry man she soon gently teases but also disapproves.

Anyway despite the lead character's cheerfulness, this film left me depressed and down. And I kind of regretted watching it. It is by no means a bad film, it just was not for me.

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