Friday, June 6, 2014

Becoming Jane

Becoming Jane viewing is the result of my recent James McAvoy infatuation. I have always liked him but recently want to watch more and more about him. I guess I have a thing for pasty Scot men with ginger beards and acting talent (since I like Ewan McGregor a lot too).

This film however would have interested me even if it starred Benedict Cumberbatch :). It is a slice of life of one of my all time favorite writers, Jane Austen. The section when she had a thing with the Irish Tom Lefroy (it didn't end happily). Jane Austen is acted by Anne Hathaway, who is an American with not as good as English accent as Rene Zelleweger did with Brigitte Jones. But she is a very good actress and I liked her interpretation of Ms.Jane Austen.

I don't remember whether I have cried during my first viewing (I must have since I cry at everything) but this one brought a flood.

I enjoyed it much better this second time.

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