Friday, March 28, 2014

Vampire Academy

Vampire Academy is the film I have watched next day noon. It was entertaining and decent pass time. I like the lead actress Zoey Deutch. But to be honest it wouldn't be my first choice among the many other vampire films.

Blue Jasmine

Blue Jasmine was viewed at a cinema in Bangkok (the best way to avoid noon sun and heat) and as soon as the film started I have forgotten about the allegations of Woody Allen, Oscar win of Cate Blanchett, well everything. It is a very good film and it was superbly acted by everyone in it. And Cate Blanchett was so good. Yeah I'm within the majority on this one. And in this case, it looks like I'm able to separate the art and the private life of the artist.

I just saw this again on TV and liked it even better.

The Mystery of Mercy Close

The Mystery of Mercy Close 

If I go to a holiday next time, I'll update this blog daily insaallah. Going back is difficult.

On the book: Marian Keyes is a very entertaining writer and this one is no exception. I like the lead character and her very clearly defined likes and dislikes. Recommended.

Open City

Open City - I got a nasty surprise right from the start. The legit Thai dvd didn't have any English subtitles. But since I like Kim Myung Min and Son Ye Jin, I thought I'd give it a go based on my having memorised stock phrases all throughout my Korean drama viewing. Well I understood about 10% of the language (remember, I'm an optimist!) but even if I didn't, this one harboured no mysteries. It is, what I safely can call a 'melo - action' film. The other film that can go into this category would be the excellent Shiri. This one is just plain bad. A waste of a great cast since neither was particularly believable despite doing everything right and looking good. (Except maybe the mother of the cop acted by Kim He Sook)  Anyway stay away from it.

The Redeemer

The Redeemer this one is probably my favorite of the Harry Hole novels so far. Not only we have a hired killer on the loose but also we have the last dregs of the secret gang within the police force. Harry, once again goes on a drinking binge and once again comes out of the novel with scars but also his integrity intact.

I'm very happy with this detective and his adventures. Thanks Mr.Nesbo.

Before I Go To Sleep

Here is another one with 'sleep' in the title. Before I Go To Sleep was found at an online secondhand bookstore after reading about it in amazon and wondering about how the story is told.  I have looked the writer on line and to my surprise he is a man and a physisist. Well the main character is a female and the story is told by her, she has this memory disease where everything wipes up everynight and she wokes up remembering nothing. Seems interesting doesn't it. Well despite the fact that I have read it without yawning through it, I can't say the novel was gripping.

Sleep No More

Sleep No More is one of the only two books that were stolen from my possession. The first one was at boarding school (The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco). This one was in the back pack the burglar took with him when he entered our house - with only me sleeping in it and being woke up by the said gentlemen burglar (my sister called him Arsene Lupin since he didn't harm me, just ran away when I woke up and confronted him - in a rather polite way, apparently manners cannot be shaken off, neither by sleep nor by fear and incomprehension)

But even though I have read more than one third of it, this one was not a book I have particularly mourned after. I didn't replace it right away, in fact I think it has been about 10 years since it was stolen.

Anyway when I saw it in Lamai, I have decided to give it another go -an irrational part of me expecting it to be stolen again-. Well, it was not a book that I liked. I have no idea whether it is because of the circumstances, but the characters and their motivations seemed rather silly. Obsession, love, family were themes I usually prefer in fiction (anything but war as far as I'm concerned) but this book left me cold right to the end. Not recommended.


Neverwhere is one of the books I was loaned by my kind hearted colleague in Audiobook. This is the first time I have read a writer read his own book (unabridged version) and I loved it. It had a certain naivete that doesn't really annoy (like our protagonist) and I loved the evil henchmen, especially Mr.Vandemar. The writer did a great job in giving voice to the characters and it was good to the last drop.

I'll be seeking more books from this writer. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ustam ve Ben

Ustam ve Ben bana bir iş arkadaşım tarafından ödünç verildi. Her ne kadar sonu tam olmamış (bir şekilde sakil durmuş, sanki toparlamak için herhangi bir şekilde iliştiriverilmiş gibi) olsa da roman -yazarın kitabın sonunda ki notunda dilediği üzere- su gibi akıp gitti. Şafak iyi bir hikaye anlatıcısı ve bu romanı herkese tavsiye edebilirim. Tabii bence hala en güzel romanı ilk okuduğum Baba ve Piç'tir. Onun üzerine tanımıyorum.

Romanda Osmanlı günlük hayatından bahseden kısımlar sanki İhsan Oktay Anar lite gibiydi. Eğer özellikle bu kısımları beğenen var ise bence Sn.Anar'ın kitaplarına yönelmeli hemen. Zira sadece anlatımı ile değil, verdiği derinlik ve okurda bıraktığı etki ile de çok daha doyurucu Sn.Anar'ın romanları. Tavsiyem Puslu Kıtalar Atlası ile başlayın.

What Women Want (2011 Chinese Remake)

What Women Want was very enjoyable and made my flight even better. I liked the original starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt but this one was more entertaining due to the star power of the two leads imho.

Never really a fan of Andy Lau but the man is a decent actor and a bona fide star oozing screen presence, Gong Li is a fave of mine and she was luminous. So this is a pretty faithful remake I ended up liking more than the original.


Divergent I have read on kindle and think that although not on par with Hunger Games, it is a lot better than Twilight and/or City of Bones. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Devil's Star

The Devil's Star turned up very entertaining and better than Mr.Nesbo's previous Harry Hole books. And I love it when a detective series goes better with each book (and it doesn't happen as often as one would like). Harry takes on his evil colleague Tom Whaaler on as they both try to catch a killer who is smart and ruthless and a complete and utter perv.

We Need to Talk About Kevin

We Need to Talk About Kevin came to my attention in film form. I have read a review of it over at Vern's and then I actually came across the film itself and watched it with interest (I like Tilda Swinton) and after finding out that it is adapted, I checked to book out, sampled it at Amazon and when it showed up at a second hand book store in Lamai, Koh Samui I eagerly picked it up.
This one is a great read and different from the other novels I have read during my vacation, it has a filling prose.
The subject matter is not very usual and it is written in letter form (and I loved it). Knowing the twist (well not really a twist but more of a nasty shocker) didn't affect my reading pleasure in the least.

This one is highly recommended but beware, it is not a happy book.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Mission

The Mission is one of the highly acclaimed films liked by everyone and for some reason I have never seen. Well it is not really my type of film but I have recorded it none the less and here I was giving it a try. And to no surprise, I liked it. 

First of, this is not the type of film I usually like, not many close ups (except to the faces of South American actors from time to time), not the clean type of cinematography I like and certainly not an actors' film. Sure the performances were all good (Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons were perfect) but it wouldn't have mattered if they are not excellent. 

The bitter consequences of imperialism (on the invaded parties) and how the lines are not really blurred between doing God's work and using religion to serve capitalism are vell displayed in the story. Also there is a very good side story of sin and redemption. 

And even though father Rodrigo was the more interesting character, I have to say I felt closer to Father Gabriel. 

The music was so so good (Ennio Morricone) and many tears were shed (by me) during the film. 

Also this film brought to mind Aguirre: The Wrath of God, which I think is not only cinematically superior, but more to my liking as well. I wanted to watch that one again. 

Small Island

Small Island This BBC tv film was very entertaining, melodramatic and well acted. I enjoyed it a lot despite the fact that I do not like either Ruth Wilson or Benedict Cumberbatch. They are both great actors but there is something about her face, shape of mouth that I don't like and she has an air of awareness that surfaces sometimes that irritates me. As for Mr.Cumberbatch, very good actor but I just don't care for the way he looks (which is solely my failing) but his performance was flawless. I like Naomi Harris and she was great too.

The story was to my liking filled with coincidences, impossible romances, unrequited and requited loves, women trying to make a life for themselves on their own. 

Daddy's Gone A Hunting

Daddy's Gone A Hunting is yet another Marry Higgings Clark formulaic mystery but I like her characters and the way she promotes hard work etc. in her characters who are people one would like to hang out with. I don't think it is possible to like another Mary Higgings Clark novel as much as the first one you read (in my case it was Loves Music Loves to Dance) but they are great beach reads as far as I'm concerned.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Me Before You

Me Before You is a much loved novel and with good reason. It is one of the best UK chick lit genre I have read. Lovely characters and great interaction. I didn't know anything about it except that it is a weepie and it certainly delivers. Recommended.

Thor: The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World is one of the films I have watched on the plane and the only reason I watch Thor films is that I like Natalie Portman. This one is one of those generic superhero films and even though he is an evil SOB I thought Loki was a more entertaining character than the titular Thor.
Not recommended.

Atları Bağlayın Geceyi Burada Geçireceğiz

Atları Bağlayın Geceyi Burada Geçireceğiz kısa öykülere açılma denemelerimin bir sonucu olarak rastgele on line sipariş ettiğim kitaplardan biri. Bu kadar beğeneceğimi tahmin etmemiştim doğrusu ancak yazar neredeyse 10 yaş genç olmasına rağmen kendimden çok şey buldum okurken. Internet üzerinden baktım bu ilk kitabıymış. Bazı yerlerde biraz ham ama ben bu yazarı takibe alacağım -kendisinden bir roman bekliyorum-. Bu öykü kitabını hevesle tavsiye ederim. 

Usagi Drop (aka Bunny Drop)

Usagi Drop I have seen a gif of one of the scenes  in tumblr and felt it was very cute. I love Kenichi Matsuyama and his clean facial lines. And this ended being an adorable film with a cute little girl and Kenichi doing his 'weird but lovable' thing. And unexpectedly I have shed lots of tears during it. Based on googling on net I have found out that this one is a manga adaptation. It is even sadder now since one of the characters in it is a manga artist (won't tell who).

I got this one cheap from Thailand (in the only place I have found selling legal, legit dvds) and am completely happy. I can recommend this one if you are in a mellow mood.

Private Dancer

Private Dancer well it wouldn't have been right not to purchase some brand new books (but this one I would have bought second hand if I could find it) and since Thailand sex tourism is very famous, I thought I'd check this cautionary tale out. And it ended up being a very good read. I understand Mr.Leather, the writer has worked as a journalist and it probably helped with the overall structure of the novel where each character tells one part of the story (sometimes same story from different angles) and I loved how it worked so well. I was not expecting much from it and am pleasantly surprised. Also I think every sex toursit to Thailand should read it.

There are not many adult or violent scenes. It is more psychological with fast paced action, some twists and I'll recommend it if you think the plot seems interesting. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Return from Thailand - Koh Samui

Well, it has been a wonderful holiday. Great weather, great food, great beach and solutitude, oh sweet solitude. Doing nothing but reading good books, walking on the beach, visit some local attractions (but without the usual fidelity) all in all not talking to people unless it is absolutely necessary (I exclude my word vomit against the poor expat book store owner since I had recently read twitter and was upset about what has been happening in my country, anyway he took it like a gentlemen and even offered similar stories about Thai government - as consolation I suppose- a kind hearted person he was).

Anyway here are some photos (taken by Iphone so they are not very good)

Here is the beach I chose for my stay. I love to swim and this one allows for good swimming since it is deep (many beaches in Koh Samui are shallow for a long while). It was the very south end of Lamai (close to Hin Ta Hin Yai)

Another pic from the same beach (probably taken from where I was lounging)

Here is another one from Lamai beach, a beach café where I have had breakfast (yummy rice soup and fruits)

Somewhere along the way from my room to the beach (since I have stayed in the cheapest room but it was so so pleasant, as you can see)

A scene from one of my (many) beach walks.

And I have read books all the time without interruption and watched some films too (two of them in Bangkok, some on the plane and none in Koh Samui)

I'll try and update everything one by one.