Monday, March 24, 2014

We Need to Talk About Kevin

We Need to Talk About Kevin came to my attention in film form. I have read a review of it over at Vern's and then I actually came across the film itself and watched it with interest (I like Tilda Swinton) and after finding out that it is adapted, I checked to book out, sampled it at Amazon and when it showed up at a second hand book store in Lamai, Koh Samui I eagerly picked it up.
This one is a great read and different from the other novels I have read during my vacation, it has a filling prose.
The subject matter is not very usual and it is written in letter form (and I loved it). Knowing the twist (well not really a twist but more of a nasty shocker) didn't affect my reading pleasure in the least.

This one is highly recommended but beware, it is not a happy book.

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