Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Return from Thailand - Koh Samui

Well, it has been a wonderful holiday. Great weather, great food, great beach and solutitude, oh sweet solitude. Doing nothing but reading good books, walking on the beach, visit some local attractions (but without the usual fidelity) all in all not talking to people unless it is absolutely necessary (I exclude my word vomit against the poor expat book store owner since I had recently read twitter and was upset about what has been happening in my country, anyway he took it like a gentlemen and even offered similar stories about Thai government - as consolation I suppose- a kind hearted person he was).

Anyway here are some photos (taken by Iphone so they are not very good)

Here is the beach I chose for my stay. I love to swim and this one allows for good swimming since it is deep (many beaches in Koh Samui are shallow for a long while). It was the very south end of Lamai (close to Hin Ta Hin Yai)

Another pic from the same beach (probably taken from where I was lounging)

Here is another one from Lamai beach, a beach café where I have had breakfast (yummy rice soup and fruits)

Somewhere along the way from my room to the beach (since I have stayed in the cheapest room but it was so so pleasant, as you can see)

A scene from one of my (many) beach walks.

And I have read books all the time without interruption and watched some films too (two of them in Bangkok, some on the plane and none in Koh Samui)

I'll try and update everything one by one.

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