Friday, March 28, 2014

Sleep No More

Sleep No More is one of the only two books that were stolen from my possession. The first one was at boarding school (The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco). This one was in the back pack the burglar took with him when he entered our house - with only me sleeping in it and being woke up by the said gentlemen burglar (my sister called him Arsene Lupin since he didn't harm me, just ran away when I woke up and confronted him - in a rather polite way, apparently manners cannot be shaken off, neither by sleep nor by fear and incomprehension)

But even though I have read more than one third of it, this one was not a book I have particularly mourned after. I didn't replace it right away, in fact I think it has been about 10 years since it was stolen.

Anyway when I saw it in Lamai, I have decided to give it another go -an irrational part of me expecting it to be stolen again-. Well, it was not a book that I liked. I have no idea whether it is because of the circumstances, but the characters and their motivations seemed rather silly. Obsession, love, family were themes I usually prefer in fiction (anything but war as far as I'm concerned) but this book left me cold right to the end. Not recommended.

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