Friday, March 28, 2014

Open City

Open City - I got a nasty surprise right from the start. The legit Thai dvd didn't have any English subtitles. But since I like Kim Myung Min and Son Ye Jin, I thought I'd give it a go based on my having memorised stock phrases all throughout my Korean drama viewing. Well I understood about 10% of the language (remember, I'm an optimist!) but even if I didn't, this one harboured no mysteries. It is, what I safely can call a 'melo - action' film. The other film that can go into this category would be the excellent Shiri. This one is just plain bad. A waste of a great cast since neither was particularly believable despite doing everything right and looking good. (Except maybe the mother of the cop acted by Kim He Sook)  Anyway stay away from it.

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