Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pride and Glory, The Little Drummer Girl - End, Something Wonderful

Pride and Glory only watched this again last night because I love to watch Edward Norton on screen. Seriously, he is an amazing actor and I like the way he looks too. The film on the other hand was meh. Didn't stand for multiple viewings.

Finished The Little Drummer Girl and once again kudos Mr.Le Carré. I like the way he leisurely tells a story and the way it accelerates towards the end. Sadly spy genre is not a fave of mine (although this doesn't mean that I'm looking forward to read Solo). My favorite of the genre remains to be Casino Royale, which kind of blew me away so that I think have read 2 more Bond novels but never got that vibe again. Of course The Little Drummer Girl kind of wrecked me in the end (not the ending particularly which was the best possible ending for our female lead but still I needed something drastically different so I started

Something Wonderful by Judith McNaught. And it totally did the trick. I actually laughed out loud at one point. This seems (so far) especially good for people who like a perfect male lead (Duke, great looking, sexy, successful) whose cold heart will be thawed because of our lovely heroine.

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