Monday, September 30, 2013

The Reef, Incendies, La Sconosciuta, Silver Linings Playbook, Get Over It, Orange is the New Black, Inuyasha

This weekend I was able to fill up with films:

Silver Linings Playbook  I didn't get the big deal about this film. It was just a so so effor. Bradley Cooper is a decent actor though (for some reason I just don't like the guy, and I want to).

Get Over It Well I love rom coms and it was interesting to me to see how young everyone is.

On Sunday it was more claudy

First Orange is the New Black is not my type of show. I watched the first episode and was bored. But then again I never liked Weeds either.

The Reef  It was decent. But I think the fact that I have been at a shark cage and found myself terrified (against all reason) helped the film to creep me out.

Incendies This film kept popping up in my radar and I resisted it so far but decided to give it a go this Sunday. And I loved it. The story was compelling and I liked how leisurely it was told. Kind of similar to a Le Carré novel (I'm close to the ending of The Little Drummer Girl) which sort of fit my viewing.

La Sconosciuta  My sister recorded this one and I saw it at the programme. I started watching thinking it is a horror film (translation of the Turkish title is Mysterious Woman). There were horrible things in the film but it turned out to be one of those dramas where terrible things happen to people. I was fascinated and watched it till the end. But I don't think I would want to watch it again (unlike Incendies where truly horrible things happen to people)

Inuyasha I purchased this because of Lee Seung Gi. And it was gathering dust over at the "to watch" pile and I wanted something in Japanese (to polish up my rather meager Japanese) and thought to give it a try and I have been watching it since. But I'll probably give it a break since is 100 something episodes. I love Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo and the gang. I also want Sesshomaru to find the light and turn out to be good person. But Naraku is one despicable villain, so evil that it is very hard to pity him.

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