Monday, October 7, 2013

Jersey Girl, Beyond Outrage, Scenic Route, Point Break, The Odd Story of Timothy Green, The Best Divorce Eps.1

This weekend was all about lying in and watching films (YES!)

So in no particular order

Jersey Girl now I have an unexplained fondness for Ben Affleck. What can I do? I love the guy. And he is so good in this one. Tears were shed and in a good way too.

Beyond Outrage it has been years since I have last seen a Takeshi Kitano film. And I still like the guy. This film is all about the power struggles between yakuza, and between police and yakuza.

Scenic Route dud of the weekend and I have to admit to fall victim to my shallow tendencies. Josh Duhamel is so easy on the eyes I said, how bad can this film be? And it was bad, very bad (I still watched it to the end for some reason)

Point Break an oldie, but still a goodie. Patrick Swayze (RIP) is so good in this. And now that the curtain of adoration has lifted from eyes, Keanu Reeves' performance was really bland. He looks great though. I liked this film even better with this viewing and thought that Johnny Utah had a major crush on Bodhi.

The Odd Story of Timothy Green liked this one a lot. The actors were fine, the sets and the costumes great.

I have also tried to watch a Korean film called The Voice of A Murderer but I fell asleep at the beginning and only woke up at the (grim) end.

Also watched the first episode of Japanese Jin and it was good. Although I doubt that I'd go ahead and purchase it.

Meanwhile The Bat makes me fall asleep. I hope that it will pick up as I read along.

Meanwhile I took a break from Inuyasha and started

The Best Divorce well this is one of those quirky Japanese dramas. Eita quickly becomes a fave actor and I think I'll go on watching since he is not only a good actor but also cute in a natural way. It is about a couple who love eachother but also extremely annoyed with eachother as they live together. Now we first get to see and listen to the man's point of view. He constantly complains about his wife's sloppy living and clumsiness. He is one of those fussy times who wipes the sink, folds the towels etc. He is doing all the housework and cooking too. The wife is one of those manic pixie dream chicks who are fun to hang out with but she doesn't contribute to the workload in the house, at all. But slowly we see that the man also kind of ignores her and his only interaction is through his complaints. One day she puts on make-up (at the advice of her colleague at the laundry she operates - the laundry used to belong to his parents) and he doesn't even notice. And when there was a considerable earthoquake his only e-mail to his wife is "is my bonzai OK?". Anyway he insisted on a divorce and she finally agrees (after realising that he is just not that into her). But as the divorce suddenly becomes serious, we see that the man actually loves her. But neither of them want to admit their feelings.

The secondary couple is the old flame of the Man's from college and her husband who is a cool looking man who appears to be a bit of a Casanova (but we are not sure of him yet).

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