Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rising Sun - End, The Accidental Apprentice - Renovation.

Rising Sun ended and it was a good ride but nothing that prompted me to seek out other novels written by Mr.Crichton.

And I have started The Accidental Apprentice written by Vikas Swarup. Loved his first two books and this one is already so good and I'm not even halfway yet. Also this one makes me want to watch Indian films again.

Last night Inuyasha only lasted me about four and a half episodes. Actually my mother's getting the whole house repainted (interiors) and after that the floors will be renewed. And insallah this will be a good opportunity to actually get rid of everything I have been hoarding for no reason. Let's see if I can handle this project - yeah I guess I have turned into one of those people who call everything a "project".

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