Thursday, February 28, 2013

Two Hearts in Hungary - End, Moll Flanders, The Silence of the Lambs, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark was so so. It didn't have Del Toro's brilliance although he obviously put some ideas in the film and the creatures were sufficiently scary. All in all the best thing I liked about it was Katie Holmes (which is something since she usually is just the opposite for me). This one was just a so so purchase and I was not scared.

The Silence of the Lambs now this is a good film. Great leads, very good editing especially towards the end, a good story (the was better though) and all in all a satisfactory viewing experience, even after all these years (nobody had  a mobile phone in the film)

Two Hearts in Hungary was very short, almost like a novella. And it was just average Cartland but I still liked it a lot.

Moll Flanders is an interesting experience. I appreciate the writer but am not fond of his prose. And I see his point of view but do not want to passionately explore. It is one of those books that does not bore me enough for me to drop it off but I can't say I'm enjoying it either. Let's see what will happen to our Ms.Flanders who is not very scrupulous so far.

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