Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Princess' Man - End

Yes, I just couldn't help myself and finished the last four episodes last night despite this being a work day. At first it was because I sort of got upset with the show turning crazy on me and I simply wanted to get it over with (I have new horror films to look forward to) but tears flowed unexpectedly at the last episode, without even realising it I invested in these characters and found their trials too too sad. But the show surprised me with a happy ending - and it was not bittersweet happy, it simply was a good old happy ending for our couple, probably the only possible way out. I'm sorry for the real princess and her husband but at least she got a baby out of it (and it was one of the most adorable TV babies I have seen, he kept smiling to everyone). Yes it was a night of tears and it's worth feeling sleepy today (I'm listening to Beethoven Piano Sonatas and they are so good)

Meanwhile Gone Girl is going great. This simply maybe her best novel. 

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