Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Princess' Man Eps. 5-6, The Law of Similars - End

The Princess' Man keeps getting better. I do like the so far tragic love story and the court intrigues. Well there isn't a sageuk without court intrigues no? This time Prince Sayong is our chief villain and he is mid to high on evil scale.
Se Ryung keeps lying to Seung Yoo because she sort of promised her father (in exchange for his life) but this sort of got old after 6 episodes. At least Seung Yoo now knows that he is in love with her - she woke up to the fact that she loves him long before.

Meanwhile Princess got married to Jong Jun who is not a bad guy and genuinely likes her but she has a lot of worries this one. Her father is very ill (well he passed away at the end of episode 6) and her brother is too young and weak to manage the kingdom all by himself. Sayong lords over their heads and they cannot to anything about it. So the marriage is not consumated yet but I have hopes for this couple.

On the evil side Shin Min's dad threw his lot with Sayong and they decided to marry their children. Shin Min is aware of everything but doesn't inform Seung Yoo that the girl he fell for is Sayong's daughter and Shin Min's intended. We know Shin Min is going to betray Seung Yoo since we are in a giant flashback but still so far he acted honourably and despite the fact that he clearly likes Se Ryung, he is emberrassed about the whole situation. The only hint of his future betrayal is that he keeps all these from Seong Yoo. Yes, he promised Se Ryung not to tell but the circumstances have changed so much since that promise was made.

Well the king passed away and just when Sayong started to implement his supremacy by getting the young king sign a decree apointing him as the effective ruler until the king comes of age (I doubt this is the reason, surely this little king could have been more than a puppet, he is about 15-16 something, not younger than 13 at any rate but he is not made to be a king, at least not so far. I remember how stupid Jumong was at the beginning and he turned out alright) BUT the dead king had a deal with Seung Yoo's father and his younger bro (who is also bro of Sayong since these guys are all brothers) to keep a decree he signed before his death appointing Old Dad as the highest authority until kid King is fit to rule. Sayong had to bow down (since I think the majority of the military is under Old Dad's influence) but he swears revenge!!!!!

The Law of Similars is finished and I liked it very much. It is not a literary masterpiece or anything but it affected me more than I thought it would since I never even looked at the Lives of the Noble Romans!!!!

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