Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Princess' Man Eps.16, Django Unchained, The Thompsons, The Valley of the Broken Cherry Trees - End

What have I been reading?

Nothing much, twitter and The Valley of the Cherry Trees by Lensey Namioka. It is one of the seven short adventures of a ronin samuari detective and his art loving sidekick. It was enjoyable but nothing special.

Now I'm thinking of starting Kahperengi (lit.translation Colour of Bitch - it is some sort of a pun since it has only one letter different when you spell brown in Turkish ) by Hande Altaylı. This lady is the wife of a famous journalist/columnist in Turkey. Her books are easy reads maybe Turkish equivalent of a sombre chick lit. Anyway this one is even a TV show now, and her first two novels were not bad so I decided to give it a try.

I have finally watched Django Unchained and liked it a lot, better than Inglorious Basterds but not as good as Kill Bill. I love Leonardo and he was so so good as one of the villains. Actually I think he was the best actor among them.

I also watched this horror film called The Thompsons directed by some people called The Butcher Brothers (??) anyway it was entertaining since it had the clean cinematography I like a lot. Otherwise it was not anything special.

Meanwhile The Princess' Man is going great. There is love, revenge, tears, blood and a scary villain. I do not want to be spoiled but I couldn't help but check out some sites and found out that the baddie actually is a historical character - who lived to his old age (I wish I never knew that)

The young king suprised me with making a great decision. Saving lives are more important than being a king. Seriously what is so great about power anyway? No one really, truly has it or can have it. It is better to be a person who loves and feels compassion. Good thing you did young king. Applause.

Sung Yo is in such a precarious place right now. He wants to take revenge and I think that wish is easily understandable. It probably was not easy to see your father assasinated and then see his head on display. Losing your brother and be the victim of attempted murder over and over and over again. But he is a good guy in his core and it is not easy for him. The greatest thing is that his genuine friends and mentor (and his ex girl friend) do want him to stop and live his life. And I agree with them. The best would be to move on and just wait for these evil people to get what they deserve. Actually the best would be able to be forgive them.

Se Ryung finally woke up to the fact that her father is an evil man who lied to her and she is not giving in to him yet. She refuses to be coronated as princess. She is loyal to Sung Yo and has found new resolve when she found out that he is alive.

Now is it too much to ask a happy ending for these two?

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