Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Princess' Man Eps.17-18, Kahperengi

The Princess' Man is going to well that it is hard - but not impossible - to stop. At the end of episode 18 an attempt at Suyang's life was not successful and Sung Yo is exposed to Myun (in a very dramatic scene that served as a cliffhanger) meanwhile poor Se Ryung is between her father who is extremely evil and one of the worst villains ever but her father nonetheless and she has some good memories with him- and her boyfriend who is a good guy through and through but ruined by her father and wants to take revenge by killing him.

She cannot give up either one poor thing and now that Song Yu is wavering in his resolve to kill Suyang and die - he has foung his sister in law and niece who are dependant on him + he is very much in love with Se Ryung despite being in extreme denial and I think he truly wants to run away with her and live as a family (she gets along so well with sis in law and niece) but there is a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, even if he gives up the need to kill and make him suffer, his late father wanted him to continue to oppose Suyang, well he was not the king then and he didn't kill the majority of their allies but still, his political opinions were as they were and now they weigh on his shoulders.

Meanwhile practically everyone who opposed Suyang and planned the assasination is now arrested and put in jail, including the teacher and Jung (I would normally have loved this character but the actor is too old for the role and not my type at all, not to mention that his performance is among the weaker ones). Ex Princess and Jung just became a true husband and wife and now they are apart with him on the way to death.

Ex king, despite abdicating the throne and giving everything he wanted, is still in danger solely because his being alive gives encouragement to people who want to overthrow Suyang. Poor thing has to escape somehwere. The good guys here are not a strategical match for Suyang and his evil advisor Han (this actor normally plays good for nothing comic side kicks and it is weird to see him in the role of villain, and it doesn't help that they have made bad job of dying his eyebrows)

Meanwhile Kahperengi is really good. I'm even curious about what is going to happen...

Also thank God the books and dvds I have ordered have arrived (my Manager kindly brought them from UK) and they all look a treat!!!!!

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