Monday, February 11, 2013

LOVE, Başka Dilde Aşk, Kramer vs. Kramer, Live Flesh - End, The Law of Similars, The Lives of the Noble Romans (edited)


LOVE this one is a modern day Taiwanese fairy tale and includes the main rom com tropes. I loved it of course but hesitate to recommend it since it is ridicilous.

Kramer vs. Kramer This one does not get old. Gets to me everytime no matter how many times I have watched it and I have cried rivers in this viewing too.

Başka Dilde Aşk (lits. translation: Love in Another Language) Well this one was not a good film but the story was interesting, the leads likable and good actors so I have watched it. The love story between a call center employee (the film needlessly delved into call centre labour problems) and a deaf librarian - also amateur rower-.

Live Flesh has ended and it was really good. I love Ruth Rendell. And I have started two books, one is The Law of Similars written by Chris Bohjalian and the other is an edited version of  Lives of the Noble Romans by Plutarch. Apparently Plutarch wrote this as a companion piece to his Lives of the Noble Greeks and the version I have doesn't have everyone. Well with this interest in Roman history and seeing that the first noble Roman is Romulus, I'm thinking of giving this a try.

Now The Law of Similars is very interesting. The story takes place in Vermont and it is about a homeopath and an assistant district attorney - widower with a 4 years old kid-.

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