Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thousand Day Promise Eps 4-5, Standing in Another Man's Grave

Thousand Day Promise is going so good. I love the soundtrack - I may even have to buy it at some point if/when it becomes cheap- the acting, the strong female lead and how she refuses to collapse under her sad fate. But eventually she'd have to and it is such a torture to know that you'll lose your mind and be dependant to people - which is something she hated right from the start when her dad died and her mom dumped her and her little brother, just upped and left them to fend for themselves, when she was just six year old*, her Aunt is such a good woman but it must have been difficult to add to the worries of a family not economically well off. It is really so sad that I'm tearing up as I write this. And Su Ae is making such a good job of it and I really like Kim Tae Won who has the thankless role so far which I know will change very soon but he is a great actor and has the gift of chemistry. I believe in this couple and root for them even though they are cheaters and liars. Their love seems so true. And I do believe that it is better to know the truth rather than being deceived by a well meaning lie, so I think it will be better for Hyang gi to know that her fiance does not love her and the sooner the better. She will be crushed of course but will have a chance to make a new life with someone who does no?

Nefes Nefese is also going good. Ayşe Kulin, the author is such a generic writer but a good story teller and I find myself being sucked into this but not as strongly as Adı:Aylin or Veda. Maybe because I'm getting used to her prose and it started to bore me. The remedy for that would be to pace out her books since I enjoy the stories she tells.

Meanwhile, thank God for my good hearted colleagues I have got the latest Ian Rankin novel Standing in Another Man's Grave. This is Rebus' return. Well I don't support returning finished characters but Rebus is someone I really like so I don't mind this time. So far I'm optimistic and eager. I hope the book will not fail me. Another interesting thing is that this book is loaned to me in Kindle form. It will be the first time for me and I'm a bit worried; a) I hope I'll be able to return it intact b) I hope it will be a great to read it in this form and c) what if I like it so much that I won't be able to suppress the urge to get one? I hope Amazon will come to Turkey soon!!!!!

* This is the second time a mother just ups and leaves her small kids to fend for themselves. The other one was Nobody Knows, and it was such a heartbreaking film and I keep remembering that film in relation with Thousand Day Promise which makes me cry.

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