Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ruler of Your Own World Eps.9-10-11

Wow just when I thought that the story was not going anywhere but the love triangle, Bok Su's illness hit. And also his mother lost her money and dared to ask him to return to his old ways. He even thought about it but was not able to do it thank God. I seriously like this character and like Kyung in extention because she likes him for the right reasons (meaning the reasons I think are right - heh) but I don't really care for Mi Rae even though she is cool and is someone I'd like but Gong Hyo Jin is not someone I care for (except in Best Love :) ) and this sort of affects my perception I suppose.
I don't even want to mention the secondary male since he is a total asshole.

Meanwhile Rookie is suspected of stealing from a film set. They first took BokSu to the police station because he has a criminal record but he called the Glove Man and got out. Glove Man is the police detective he has a complicated relationship with. He admits to cutting his finger (the man wears a glove on his right hand) but Glove Man put him in jail with false evidence. But we are kept in dark as far as the details of whys and hows of the story. Anyway Glove Man threats BokSu to stop going to the Action School (where he is one of the stuntmen now) and come with him as an undercover to point him out the pickpockets or just stand there since they come and say hi to BokSu anyway. If he doesn't do this he'll put Rookie in jail.
So he does that for a day but feels really crappy about it (not to mention his health detoriating) and stops the farce in the second day saying that he'll find and hide Rookie from the cops.

Well at least he has made his choice (Kyung - yeah) and MiRae just has to live with it. Meanwhile Kyung has complications in the family. Kang is only his half brother and Kang and Mother know it but she doesn't. Her father suffers in silence while her mother keeps meeting Kang's father. Kang spotted them when he took MiRae to dinner and he was so annoyed with the whole thing and MiRae's questions afterwards that he actually stopped the car and left her by the road - another asshole. Kang is also married but doesn't treat his wife well. He seems to like assertive, independent women and his wife is the silent suffering, meek Korean wife.

Well I fell asleep during Episode 12 but I don't blame the show.

I, Claudius is riveting. I'm may just be interested in Roman history after this.

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