Monday, March 5, 2012

A Separation, Various US & UK Shows, Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy

A Separation This one is really good and deserves all the praise it got. A story well told, I didn't even realise how the time passed.

A Good Wife just got better with the investigation turning to Peter. And right after he abused his position to get his kids into some private school too. And Kalinda and Alicia are slowly warming up to each other again! Way to go show.

Revenge is also going good, I turned it on 5 minutes in and it seemed that Amanda was not alone and made up with the gay rich dude. They seriously got rid of Tyler good.

Grey's Anatomy was also good but I want to see more of Karev.

Merlin Uther died. And Arthur's acting is a lot better now. I'm very fond of this show and just because I find Arthur very very handsome.

I also started another Korean drama called Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy (Student I guess?) Now it is not only an older woman younger guy, but also teacher and student. Normally I'd just love it but for some reason the show doesn't appeal to me at all. Everything is too bubbly, secondary guy is not handsome at all and I don't particularly care for Goo Yoo or Gong Hye Jin. But these may also be defense mechanisms, well one CD was missing in the box (Episodes 5-8) and since I won't be able to go to Hawaii just to change it back, I have to bear it.

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