Monday, March 26, 2012

East of Eden End of Eps.49

This show is going to kill me since I watched 6 episodes on Saturday (ok I'm having a cold that has gone down at my chest) and 3 more on Sunday. I think if it was two years ago I'd have stayed all night and finish it. Now older and wiser I know it is better to keep the anticipation going.

Dong Chul is my ideal man. He has got a golden heart, very smart and great looking. His hairstyles get more ridiculous as we are nearing the end but he still manages to look hot.

Now everyone knows the baby switch and predictably Dong Wook is gone to the dark side. Well not to make another Starwars reference but this time it is not fear that leads but it is simple human jelaousy (which is brought by low self esteem I think) since Dong Wook gave Lee Mi Sok the ultimate ultimatom saying that she has to choose between him and Myung Hun (the way a real, loving son wouldn't do). I don't understand why he couldn't stay with them and also have Myung Hun (who is now near angelic but I can't seem to forget the rape) as the additional bro. Dong Wook is just not having any of it.

The terminal illness finally hit and the victim is Weird Baddie Chairman Guk. Finally as he is dying he consented to Dong Chul and Grace. But of course his greedy men kidnapped him and forced Grace to appoint the crazy Macau guy as the managing director. But just at the right moment Dong Chul arrived pushing the Weird Baddie in a wheelchair. Hero for the win!

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