Tuesday, March 27, 2012

East of Eden Eps. 50-51-52-53

Things are slowly approaching to disaster. Ji Hyun finally saw just how bad Evil Baddie is (which is super duper bad) and after Myung Hun took her out of jail owning up to the bribery charges, she went to his (new) home and made up with Lee MiSok. She seemed to get over the rape - but I just couldn't.

Meanwhile Weird Baddie died imagining Dong Chul and Grace getting married before him.
I'm not going to say that I felt bad for him. He was a colourful character though.

Dong Wook is slowly turning into psyhco allowing his ambition for fame and respectability to rule over him. He didn't even help Ji Hyun, in fact he ignored her. Such an asshole.

Evil Baddie tried to kill Dong Chol and Lee MiSok - seriously Dong Chol just cannot get a break. Even Dong Wook hit him at one point.

Myung Hun is singing to the other DA who is very interested (in both putting Shin Tae Hwan in and taking Dong Wook down).

After Dong Chul and Lee MiSok (who finally saw her error - in living all this time for Shin Tae Hwan and ruining her boys's lives turning them into tools for her revenge) survived the murder attempt, Shin Tae Hwan the Evil Baddie thought of a better way to harm Dong Chol: Evil Baddie cooperates/pays to Macau Head Thug Jackie (a caucasian extra who cannot act but is hillarious when trying) to frame Dong Chol for drug trafficking. He even made the evil laugh.

God willing I'll finish this tonight but will probably suffer from withdrawal syndromes. This is so much better than Baker King Kim Tak Gu.

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