Wednesday, March 14, 2012

East of Eden Eps.16, 1N2D

Last night I couldn't help but watch half of Episode 151 of 1N2D, a S.Korean variety show that is hillarious and interesting. So I stayed up later than I should have and combined with the sleeplessness of the night before (it was 01:00 a:m when I got ready to sleep) I could only watch one episode of my current beloved East of Eden.

Dong Chul is still struggling with:

* His mother who finally understood his reasons and feels ashamed that she was not able to protect her, also feeling guilty of his family being the reason of why he is currently doing what he does - hence treating him in an awful way, always nagging on him and shouting him to get out whenever she sees him.

* Grace who can't understand why he chose power over her (since he is not the type of man who'd do that) constantly pestering her

* Ex juvie buddy who has now became his enemy since he thinks that Dong Chul sold them out to get some gold (finally he understood it after he kidnapped DC's sister and the other henchmen told him the truth) and also working for Weird Baddie who is the enemy of ex juvie buddy.

* Strange Bank Manager who assigns him to manage the bank's branch in Korea. Oh this is also the crazy nurse who switched the babies to avenge the wrongs Evil Baddie did to her (having an affair with her, forcing an abortion on her and then dumping her in the fields)

I'm loving loving loving this drama.

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