Tuesday, March 13, 2012

East of Eden - Eps 13-15

I'm loving East of Eden.

After turning away from his brother like his mom did Dong Wook finally understood why he is doing what he did -after he bailed him out from prison where the military dictatorship was holding him.

But we have to rewind a bit. Now there is a 3 year time lap. Dong Chul rose very high in weird baddie's company ranks and now is No 2 (heh) but he is the one who is doing the dirty work (i.e yakuza connections and anything that needs that sort of manpower) Grace still doesn't understand why he chose this over her (why doesn't he tell her?) He loves her as much as she loves him, but he also needs to be powerful to bail his mother and brother out whenever they are in trouble, which is often. I'd like to think that I'm a person of principles too but these mother and son due really make me angry with their righteous act. Seriously people give it a rest. Leave my Dong Chul alone, he not even that big on revenge now and if Evil Baddie ever stopped harrassing them Dong Chul would probably put the whole revenge thing away. He has a kind heart and a forgiving nature (I love him)

Ji Hyun got married to Myung Hoon and her boy is now 3 years old. She is a smart, confident businesswoman who is liked by her husband's family too (Evil Baddie initially didn't want her but she convinced him)

Episode 15 ended with Dong Wook released from prison (and he FINALLY understood Dong Chul's motives for choosing the sad and illegal life he leads - no one knows he also sacrificed the love of his life but hey, that family wouldn't have appreciated it anyway). Lee Mi Sok came across Min Hyung and Ji Hyun at the hospital (their harabuji is there for gallstones) and attempted to spew some of her old venom but Ji Hyun is more than her match, although MiSok said that she can't really let go since there is a child there. After they have visited harabuji, who I like a lot, they have come across Dong Chul and he is very warm and civil to Ji Hyun (because he has had a talk with her before she got married and tried to convince her not to) but when Myun Hyung called him hyung he said "why am I your hyung?" YOU ARE HIS HYUNG Dong Chul, he is your chincha dongseng. Ahhh but no one is the wiser.

But Evil Baddie's wife (who is a it like Pharoah's wife and managed to remain a nice woman despite her husband) expressed that her heart really ached when she saw Dong Wook bruised and tortured saying that maybe because the boys were born on the same day. Harabuji told her that this is exactly how a parent feels and that got her thinking. Of course they have no way of knowing that the nurse in the hospital had an affair with Evil Baddie who later forced her to get an abortion and have her men dump her in the fields post abortion (to die??). And the nurse had the genius idea for "revenge by switching babies". How could she? She knows her husband is ruthless and merciless but she doesn't know that he is also a murderer and an adulterer.

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