Monday, March 12, 2012

East of Eden - Eps12, Drag Me to Hell, Just Go With It, US Shows

Drag Me to Hell I really liked this one. First of all Sam Raimi style that appeals to me were there, the story is interesting and relevant to me, the cast did a very good job. All in all, a satisfying experience.

Just Go With It The first time I watched this was on the plane ride to LA and I remember that I liked it very much. This second time I liked it even better. Actually this may be the only film where I enjoyed Jennifer Anniston's acting. I forgot that she was Anniston. Adam Sandler is someone I really like. All in all this one was a good one.

A Good Wife just when I thought it is getting weird, the show corrected itself in my eyes. Everything is tense and I love love love Bryan Brown. He has aged so well, so well.

Grey's Anatomy Well I still like this one although I don't really care for Owen and his storyline. Yang alone is great to watch but together with Owen -zzzzzzzzzz

East of Eden This one gets tears out of me at least once in every three episodes.

Dong Wook finally told his mama that it was him who has tried to burn Evil Baddie's house. But did it matter to Lee Mi Sok? Not really. I think that after so many heartaches and humiliations she has started to see her sons as instruments of revenge, rather than her sons. Her treatment to poor Ji Hyun is truly awful. The poor girl was tortured at the prison and then raped by Junior Baddie and you tell her to go marry the Jr Evil Shin? Knowing full well that you raised Dong Wook with the explicit intention of ruining that family? What kind of a stone heart you have woman? If you don't even have an ounce of sympathy to the poor girl, at least think of how your son loves her.

Even when she heard how Dong Chul escaped from juvie to find money for the operation to save her life, she still refused him. Only for the fact that he thought the revenge would be best performed using power rather than law. She thinks this is agains the principles of his father!! Seriously woman, have you once asked him how he feels? Have you tried to welcome him, treat him nicely and try to turn him against the road he has taken using good will and acceptance rather than blame and rejection? Seriously woman, that baby switch is going to bite you in the ass.
Lee MiSok btw is just an excellent actor and such a beautiful woman.

By the end of Episode 12 Dong Chul established himself with the weird baddie, broke all ties with Grace in order to be her father the weird baddie's man hence gain enough power and wealth to deal with Evil Baddie (who has more enemies than one can shake a stick at, daughter in law of Steve Packer is also someone he has wrong when young, but the evil he committed to her is not yet specified).

Lee Dae Hee is pretty but her character reminds me of the one in Sandglass only not as well scripted or acted. She is the illegitemate daughter of the Journo Baddie, very smart and capable and her heart is definitely in the right place. She confronts her dad and stepmom for being lackeys in the military government and use their means not for good of the people but to fill their pockets. She has feelings for Dong Wook but Dong Chul definitely impressed her (well if one is an alive woman Song Seung Hun will leave an effect on her, one way or another, he is just too pretty).

All in all I'm loving East of Eden.

Meanwhile now that my internet is back, I have started to watch 1N2D since I love reading the caps in Dramabeans. It is a funny show and it will probably help my Korean learning process (which is going painfully slow) too.

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