Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sherlock Holmes 2

Well it was entertaining to me since I like Guy Ritchie's directing style (except Revolver and that Madonna one) - well I still think Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is the best film in his filmography. Why did he make Sherlock and Watson gays in the closet? Seriously that was so in your face and it overshadowed everything else (i.e the plot) I do like the two female leads though and I always have soft spot for Robert Downey Jr. All in all I don't consider it a waste of time and was entertained (but not as much as I was in MI Ghost Protocol)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Hong Gil Dong - End, Mission Impossible IV-Ghost Protocol, Morning Glory

I'm very happy with Hong Gil Dong altogether - Here is what I wrote at a forum:

ome thoughs I have

* Kang Ji Hwan is a superb actor but I don't think he is a "star" - I didn't like his voice in the series either (I like deep bass toned voices in men) which brings me to

*Jang Geun Seok - not as good an actor (yet) but he has something special, definitely. I also love his voice and his mismatched eyes. The performance itself was lacklustre at first but it considerably got better at the end.

* Sung YuRi - I love that woman. Her character couldn't be any different than the one I saw her act in Snow Queen but she nailed it. I liked it that she was able to drama, comedy and melo equally well. She is also very pretty.

* What was with Lady Noh's lipstick? I wanted to wipe it off in every scene.

* It is the first time in my drama viewing history that I wanted the second male lead to get the girl. The Chang Whi character was someone I liked better than our hero Hong Gil Dong (I think the way he makes his living probably had a lot to do with my not liking him) also despite the fact that Kang Ji Hwan is a much much much better actor, I really like Jang Geun Seuk more - despite his nto so good wig and guyliner.

* This drama made me laugh, cry and get excited at all the right scenes. Thanks to everyone who made it so :)

I have also seen Mission Impossible IV-Ghost Protocol and I liked it a lot. Great action scenes which the film is all about anyway - so one readily forgets the dumb plot and bad jokes.

I have also loved Morning Glory mainly because I do like Rachel McAddams a lot. The woman has charm and she is a very good actor too. I wonder why she is not in rom coms.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hong Gil Dong Eps.13-14-15-16

Yes I have started to do 4 episodes a night now and it gets better and better with each episode. Fast, furious, funny and heartbreaking at the same time. This is such a good show and I’m enjoying it very much. I have watched four episodes last night. And what happened at the end of episose 16? My prince has thrown himself in front of an arrow meant for Hong GilDong. He is such a good man and I hope that Lady Noh’s stupid and cruel actions will not harm him any further. I also would love Yinok and the Prince come together.

I do love Hong Gil Dong but his fate is a sorrowful one. He has got to be a hero but he can’t keep the woman he loves – actually he can, if they would want to go to an unknown country and live together but I doubt that either character will consider this alternative. I wonder how Yinok would react when she finds out

Meanwhile 1Q84 is also going great. It is hard to put down.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Şarkını Söylediğin Zaman - End, Hong GilDong 11-12, 1Q84

Şarkını Söylediğin Zaman (lit.traslation When You Sing Your Song) ended the way I thought it was going to end but it suprised me with how bitter the portions in the mother's diary were. I felt really sad about it too. Luckily the book itself ended on a high (if a bit odd) note.

I started 1Q84 and immediately drawn to Murakami's world as I always do. His books are so good to me and I love the man so much just because he is writing them. I'm only in the first pages but already loving it.

Hong GilDong continues to awe with its goodness. I'm simply loving it, crying, laughing and going crazy with excitement over what's going on. Also madly shipping The Prince and Yinok. Sorry Hong GilDong I love you but she is not for you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hong GilDong 9-10

Oh GilDong is becoming such a hero and a very good man but I find myself drawn to the Prince who is allowing more innocent sacrifices but also becoming aware of how badly this will affect him. Yinok's good heart is influencing him and that evil Lady Noh asks the illegal slave trader to take Yinok with him to China. But never fear I think Hong GilDong is going to save her (the cliffhanger was that he pulls her to hide from the slave trader's men but closing her eyes with his hands to avoid her knowing that he is alive (I don't think he will succeed).

Meanwhile Sarkını Söylediğin Zaman is getting stronger and more bitter as we have access to the thoughts of the female lead's mother. She is a flawed human but also very sympathetic and I feel so sad for her. Poor thing.

Now I'm thinking to finally start 1Q89 since I'm drifting away slowly from Westeros...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Feast for Crows - End, Wall Street:Money Never Sleeps, Sen Şarkını Söylediğin Zaman, Hong Gil Dong (Ep 8)

A Feast for Crows unfortunately has ended. And with a cliffhanger too. I'm so eager to read the rest of the books. And before starting 1Q89 I have decided to take a breather and read something light to take me out of Westeros and Dragons etc.

Şarkını Söylediğin Zaman is not a bad book despite the fact the the prose is a bit generic and the story is predictable (well she is the daughter of the women he loved in Uni)but I like it well enough. Love always appeals to me.

I have watched (and inexplicable cried during viewing) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. It is not as good as Wall Street and to be honest felt a bit silly but I watched it till the end.

And then I have started Hong Gil Dong That one is a drama to my own heart. I have cried, I have laughed and I have fallen in love alternately between Hong Gil Dong (because he is a great character and the actor Kang Ji Hwan is so good) and The Prince (I LOVE Jang Geun Seuk's voice and he looks so good brooding. His performance is not very good but he has a certain panache that makes it endearing). So far poor Hong GilDong has suffered the consequenses of being a bastard in Joseon area. His father discourages him from advancing himself despite the fact that he is much more talented, capable, hard working and intelligent than his own legitimate son. His shifu (a Buddist monk) is a weird man and despite the fact that he has thought him great martial arts and principles he sort of leaves him to his own devices to find his own way.

He loves Yinok who loves him back but unknown to either of them Yinok is a noble's daughter and probably the OTP of The Prince (whose mother and friends and family was killed by Hong GilDong's father to support the current King - who ironically is the illegitimate son of the late king- The Prince has the responsibility to take the throne and to end the not so competenet ruling of the current King, whose acting drove him semi-mad). The court lady The Prince's mother gave The Prince -to take care for and protect- is vengeful bitch whose only purpose is to see The Prince crowned and she doesn't care how many innocent lives were sacrificed.

In episode 8 Hong GilDong was willingly killed (dying to save the innocent) but instead of dying he lived saved by the gang of thieves. Yinok doesn't believe he is dead and keeps looking for him. So after he successfully robs the corrupt ministers and distributes everything he stole among the families of the innocents killed, he devices a plan to make Yinok believe that he is dead. He kept the pouch she has given him and it was bloodied when the arrow that was meant to kill him hit his chest. So the Monk shows this pouch to Yinok telling her that Hong is dead. Yinok falls on the ground sobbing in pain and Hong GilDong watches her from a far. Suffering as she suffers but believing in that this is the best thing for her. She is very loyal and reckless and he doesn't want her to live the life of a thief. Oh poor Hong Gil Dong I love you. And not only he is a hero but he also made the Prince think by asking him a very simple question "Why do you have to be King?". I think that Prince will make a far better leader and will improve the conditions of his people and he should have told this to Hong GilDong but for some reason he never thought about it. Maybe it is because he is more focused on revenge. He saw his mother dying in flames in order to save him.

Ahhh Hong GilDong I know you'll break my heart but you also make me very happy. You are a great drama :) Thank God.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Feast for Crows

Ok I was not going to read this one as I read the others (more like eating them rather than reading them) but even though the characters are different and we get the point of view of characters such as disgusting Cercei, I can't drop it off. No Jon or oddly Daenerys in this one but I like Brienne and her noble quest, I like how Jamie is slowly turning into a better man and I love Sam and Maester Aemon's quest (Jon shipped him off the wall since he too carries the blood of a King and a Dragon King at that and if Mellisandre finds this out she'd surely sacrifice him) I think Sam is born to be a Maester. Arya is still in Braavos doing God knows what and I do feel sorry for her (how can I not?) but she is not a particular fave of mine. I don't care for Sansa either but also feel sorry for her. I'm VERY curious about Bran I'm almost halfway and there is no word on what he is doing.

No watching TV, no watching films or dramas I'm just buried in the land of Westeros and enjoying the game of thrones played in it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Storm of Swords End, A Feast for Crows, Mighty Aphrodite

Mighty Aphrodite I liked it better this time, probably because I could actually understand it (God I was so young the first time I saw it) Well I do like Woody Allen. What can I do?

A Storm of Swords has ended on a high note. My beloved Jon is chosen to be the Commander of the Wall (and by a huge majority of votes at that). But Tyrion, my second fave character, went to the dark side after Jamie confessed to him that his first love Tysha really truly loved him and she was not a whore (his father made Jamie lie). Well first Tyrion told Jamie that he killed Joffrey (he didn't) and then he went and shot his father while the said father was taking a dump. I'm very very sorry that this character went bad. I loved the fact that he remained good despite his physical handicaps and the fact that 95% of the people around him treated badly. He just couldn't take it.

Jon on the other hand resisted all temptation (even refused to be Lord of Winterfell, something he really wanted) and I loved him even more for it.

Shockingly Jon Arryn was killed by his wife!!! And PB was behing it all!!! What a cunning and evil men. Then he killed Lysa just like that and threw the blame on the singer who witnessed all these. I wonder what he will do to Sansa.

Now I have started A Feast for the Crows right away but so far it is Jamie (I do like how this character is going from pure evil - incestious child murderer- to actually suffering and turning into something that resembles a human being.

So far no Jon but we read Samwell (as he is going to Citadel to become a Maester) about how he started being the Lord Commander and even his first actions are protective and just. I just hope that we get to read more about him and that he won't die.

I don't really care for Arya that much (she sailed to Braavos for some reason). But very very curious about Bran.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Storm of Swords

All my systems are focused on A Storm of Swords which keeps me on my toes with suprise after suprise (Catelyn and Rob DEAD!!, Tyrion blamed for Joffrey's MURDER!!, Arya hanging out with the HOUND!!!) and I think I can't relax until I finish this one. What a ride.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Queen of No Marriage - End

Well I didn't much care for this one. I have found that I don't like the way Taiwanese mix serious and silly and their shows become boring after a while. All in all Ethan Ruan is good, I liked the leading lady but I don't think I'll return to this one anytime soon.

Well A Storm of Swords on the other hand is excellent. Truly I'm amazed how much I like it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Queen of No Marriage - Only Three More Episodes Left

Well, Wu Shang handled the business of Lucas being framed really well. Investigated everyone and finally came out with the truth. I also loved how Lucas came back to live with his father (his dad critisising the way he cut cabbage but he lets it go, apologising and telling his father that he will try to do better - I should be like Lucas!). Also it is good that Senior finally woke up and decided not to marry Wu Shang. And finally at the end of episode 18, Wu Shang and Lucas are united. I assume the last three episoded will focus on the age difference and how they will deal with it in the society (though neither of them really care about public opinion that much).

A Storm of Swords is going great. I wonder what will Sansa do when she finds out that her marriage is not going to be with Willas but with Tyrion. My second fave character in the books is Tyrion.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Queen of No Marriage Eps 10-11-12

Well predictably Senior had a very good reason to dump Wu Shang. And predictably our wonderful hero Lucas is the one who made things right between the couple. They are united now but Wu Shang is still interested in Lucas and wants to keep him in her life. Lucas though is in pain since he likes Wu Shang a lot and ready to embrace her at the first hint of a green light from her. Alas I can understand Wu Shang, the man is 8 years younger than her. No matter he is georgeous, no matter he is one of the most good and honest guys ever, no matter he is equally interested in her - in the end he is 8 years younger. So she doesn't give him any encouragement. She seems to be pretty happy with Senior now that she knows he didn't dump her and is still crazy in love with her. But they haven't had sex yet and for some reason she keeps thinking Lucas...

Meanwhile Lucas quit his job as an assistant to Wu Shang. And after her brilliant luck of being ex and current girlfriend of Senior she is back at the news. I understand Jia Jia will be in some kind of trouble regarding the men who harrassed her in front of the bike shop (she is so sweet to agree to model to get a discount on bike repair price. She loves Lucas but I still don't like her).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Queen of No Marriage Eps 7,8 & 9

Unfortunately Queen of No Marriage is slowly going down with silliness. The concerns etc. are real but the situations are not so. Snake bite? I actually fell asleep watching episode 8.

Ethan however continues to be awesome and I like the leading lady better and better.

The secondary lead, Senior who dumped Wu Shang 6 years ago is back. Just when Lucas and Wu Shang are getting together (well he arrived at the reunion to save her from kissing statue of David's manparts - yeah silliness but I think he means when he said he has feelings for her, and it was such a bad kiss. They had much better in the earlier episodes) She thinks Lucas is putting on a show to thank her for finding the answer to his hyacinth question but goes along. Just then Senior shows up. Ugh. I don't like that man even if he had a good reason to dump Wu Shang without any explanation. I'm all for team Lucas :)