Monday, February 26, 2018

Binbir Gece

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Binbir Gece tamamen bir şekilde bitirmem lazım diyerek son sezonunu sürüklediğim bir dizi oldu. İyi vakit geçirdim izlerken zira artık olmayan bir Türkiye'yi yansıtıyor, güzel mesajlar veriyor ve oyunculuklar çok iyi. Ancak hikaye bir süre sonra dağıldı ve son anda alelacele toplandı bir şekilde. Neyse bitti. 

26 Years

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26 Years is a film with a heavy message and a worthy one. I really like the cast and there was not a sleepy moment during it. 


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Raw is turned out to be really and truly gross and it is also a thoughtful horror drama. Some scenes were truly disgusting but I'm very happy that I watched it. Highly recommended if you are into the genre. 


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Phoenix turned out to be a lot better than I expected it to be. The story is not a time period that is much delved into as far as the movies go. The aftermath of WWII when the people return from the camps and war. And face what happened. The story is centered around a woman who got shot in the face at Auschwitz and had surgery and she just wants to find her husband - who it turned out, unbeknownst to her, has actually told Nazis about her and got a divorce right after she is arrested. She loves him very much and they meet again although he thinks that his wife is dead and he can use this new lady to con his way into her money (all her relatives died probably in concentration camps). The ending of this film was so effective and it had given me chills. 
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Forgotten was a film I was looking forward to watch but despite one very good jump scare, it was flat and unengaging.

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

The Ministry of Utmost Happiness turned out to be one of those literary beauties to which I immediately bounded with and had a great reading experience. There is a political part of that is beyond me but the characters and the magical realism of it all truly embraced me while reading and I'm very happy all around. 

The Shell Seekers

The Shell Seekers  I love the novel very much and the reading was very good. The thing that annoyed me is that some parts of it was read in a whisper and I often had to adjust the audio accordingly. Other than that it was perfect. Tears were shed by the end of it. 

Thursday, February 22, 2018


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Thor well, it turned out to be an Avengers gathering this weekend. And I like Thor despite Chris Hemsworth not being my type (yeah I see a pattern). This film is better than I remembered (yeah I see a pattern). 


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Dangal yes I didn't watch it for so long since I don't really care for wrestling (never did). But I always forget Aamir Khan factor. This man knows how to play with my emotions like a pro (I even cried at Dhoom 3) and I liked this film's message too. Highly recommended even if you are not interested in the sport. 

Fender Bender

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Fender Bender started promising but ended awfully both logically and thematically awful. 

Train To Busan

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Train to Busan finally!!!! Since I didn't want to watch a pirated version I have waited and waited and finally got to watch this and even better, it was worth the wait. I liked all of it really but I was not expecting melodrama and pleasantly surprised to find it. Highly recommended. 

Bonjour Anne

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Bonjour Anne turned out to be a sort of road film/tourism advertisement. I have enjoyed it but can't really call it a good film. 

Captain America: The First Avenger

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Captain America: The First Avenger is better the second time around. Not really big on Chris Evans but he fits the role and I had a very entertaining viewing. 

Robocop (1987)

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Robocop is a very good film. And still stands the test of time. 


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Wonder is a film I have been wanting to watch but at the same time thinking whether to read the book first as I usually prefer. However I thought about it and decided that I'll just watch the film since I wouldn't read the novel if the film was not there. And I knew that this would be one of those tear jerkers and it was. God I have cried so much during it I actually was dehydrated. It is a beautiful film with an excellent cast and a great message. 

Love Per Square Foot

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Love Per Square Foot is not that good a film but it worked for me just fine. 

Sense And Sensibility

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Sense and Sensibility yes once again I have returned to this film and its brilliance. I love it to bits. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

War On Everyone

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War On Everyone was on my list solely because I like watching Alexander Skarsgard. He is georgeous. He is not an exceptionally good actor or anything but thank God he is not a talentless hack either. And I had never heard of this film so I was not expecting much but it turns out that I loved it. It is one of those quirky films you'll love if you are on the same wavelength (and usually the people who are are in the minority) and lucky for me I was totally into it and loving it. In fact I actually laughed out loud more than once (a rare occasion). Once again Michael Pena is reliable as ever and poor Alexander has to stoop to the frame would be balanced.

Monday, February 12, 2018

The Girl In 6E

The Girl In 6E turned not to work for me on any level. This is the first of a series (now three books) so looks like I'm in the minority. Nothing against the writing or the story, it just didn't click. Cam girl information was interesting though and the most solid part of it. 


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Goemon immediately attracted me just due to the fact that it is Japanese action film (I can't shake that) It turned out to be a freaky AU where real life historic characters appear along with very entertaining fictional ones. It is all a CGI fest and not really a good combo of styles and action but it worked for me on all levels. Yeah I even cried a bit. 

Strongest Deliveryman

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Strongest Deliveryman was not a drama I was eager to watch (such as say, Goblin) It was there on Netflix and I decided to give the first episode a try and somehow the cast did not appeal to me with their plastic surgeries and bizarre outfits of the secondary leads. Anyway then I saw an article at and decided to give it a go because I love good guys and I'm so happy that I did because I LOVED this show to bits. The main lead is the nicest guy any one can imagine (just similar to The Vineyard Man) and I like the actor too. The secondary leads grew on me and the villain was suitably despicable and I love the whole outlook of the show. There were great tidbits such as when the secondary lead wants Kand Soo to give up on Dan Ah because the sec lead can look after her better and the lovable Kang Soo replies that Dan Ah is a person and she is capable of deciding what she wants. I really liked it. Anyway Kang Soo is a dream and the rest of the characters were all really well done. Flawed with good sides and bad sides and all around I have shed a lot of tears over them and had a great time. 

The Ritual

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The Ritual well the tagline is "They Should Have Gone to Vegas" and it actually ended up being my opinion throughout the film. 5 university friends getting to meet and taking a trip once in every year is the kind of plot I can get into since I'm like that with my old friends. I like them still but they change and I change and not all the changes are toward the same direction. I like the screenplay which conveys this very easily. I like the characters and the final guy is not someone I'd want as my friend but feel sympathetic towards while watching. And usually I think the people who get murdered in this sort of film are stupid but in this one I could see how  people make the silliest of decisions. And the creature was suitably creepy, however the chase scenes and scary scenes did not get me scared and as usual I actually fell asleep during one. This one appealed to me better as a character study and interaction than the horror aspect. 

Jane Got a Gun

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Jane Got A Gun got me interested in Blutv since I love Natalie Portman but I'm not really that much of a western fan and didn't even check the other actors. Well it was a great surprise to see Ewan McGregor as the villain (and his accent only slipped once) and Joel Edgerton as the supporting actor (his accent didn't slip at all). I really liked the film and not only for its cinematography (clean and filled with close up shots on the faces of the actors) but also the story. The actors are all the ones I like and they were amazing. The only problem with this film was a big shootout scene shot in the dark. I didn't see anything for a while and it took away some of the thrill. 

Kong: Skull Island

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Kong: Skull Island turned out to be a fun action film with not so good a script and a miscast group of actors. Chinese financing put more Asian actors in this than we are used to and I liked it. Ok Tom Hiddlestone is an actor I can't get to like (and it is probably due to the fact that I saw him in Graham Norton show and instantly took a dislike to his mannerisms and sense of humour and I can't shake it off). Brie Larson is also not an actress I like, she was great in room but I don't like her on screen aura or something I don't know. Anyway the special effects are cheesy but very entertaining and I enjoyed those scenes the best. The film has good messages but it chooses to hit us on the head with them so I ducked under. There is an attempt at emotion but not enough. The villain is probably the best written of all the cardboard characters. Anyway I was entertained but it is not really a good film. 

The Skin I Live In (La Piel Que Habito)

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The Skin I Live In (La Piel Que Habito) It is one of my favorite Almodovar films. I liked it a lot the first time before knowing the twist and now it is just as good, knowing the twist. Senor Almodovar likes his suspense and noir but at the same time he likes colour and flash maybe just as much. I like the visual and thematic juxtaposition in his crime films. Antonio Banderas is amazing in and very age appropriate for the role.

As for the Spanish I'm not going to fool myself I understood very very little of it. Maybe I should try and watch stuff without subtitles (like we did in boarding school). 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Death of A Red Heroine

Death of A Red Heroine I picked up because it was cheap and I like to read myteries in other countries. It turned out to be a decent mystery procedural. However I'm not going to read more from this detective. Not because it was not good but because it didn't grab me (say the way the first Rebus novel I read grabbed me). 

'Salem's Lot

'Salem's Lot wow what a ride. The first time I read this one was in boarding school and I was so scared that I have made two juniors to stay with me while I read it. I remember having hard time looking out the window at night and it stayed with me for a looooong time. This second reading was so delicious. It is still scary (probably works for my scare kinks) and more importantly it is excellent storytelling and good writing. I love Stephen King, especially the early Stephen King. The reader is excellent and this is one of those audiobooks that I ended up listening to in bed at night. 

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

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Forgetting Sarah Marshall yes, as soon as I have seen this on Netflix I knew that I was going to watch it again. It is not that good a film but I like the cast, Mila Kunis' "who cares" girl rom com personna (evident in Friends With Benefits too) and Hawaii - so .... 

Message In A Bottle

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Message In A Bottle turned out to be not as good as I remembered it. I love Kevin Costner of the nineties and he is amazing here. And Robin Wright looks and acts great. But they just don't work and I must have watched too many adapted Nicholas Sparks novels since I was not even heartbroken when good old Kevin died trying to save a woman and he was going back to Robin too, ready to get over the death of his wife and start over with Robin. Well it was not to be. Anyway I think the only real time this worked for me was in The Nights of Rodante (and probably because of my age). 

Monkey King, The Hero Is Back

Monkey King, The Hero Is Back turned out to be better than I expected. I have a soft spot for Monkey King (as the majority) the naughty supernatural being who puts himself into trouble despite his great superpowers. In this story he is released from 500 years of bondage (being naughty in the celestial world) and he helps out the people of a rural area to get rid of horrible mountain trolls, with the encouragement of a great child monk (whose family had died in the hands of those trolls) and another supernatural creature who looks like a hybrid pig (Monkey King had beaten him in the celestial mellee). I really liked it. 

Definitely, Maybe

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Definitely, Maybe well some actresses are not made for rom com. For some reason they just don't work. I think the reason I have not watched this rom com for such a long time is because neither of the three actress (who share equal screen time) are made for rom com and I don't find Ryan Reynolds attractive (yeah I know somethings wrong with me). They are all good, pretty and attractive with very good chemistry but they just don't work for the genre. Imagine this film with Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock and Meg Ryan - yes. It makes all the difference. Now I exclude Ryan Reynolds -despite not finding him attractive- from the three since he was fantastic with Sandra Bullock in The Proposal. Anyway I cried because of PMS but was not really impressed with this one. 

The Open House

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The Open House  Talent the magic that turns viewing/listening any art a joy. It is a mysterious component granted to some nasty people and not to some really nice people. I don't know which category the directors of The Open House falls through but Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote do not have any talent. They had all the adventages, financial backing of a solid establishment, a very good cast, great sets and locations and what to we have? A horror film dry as a bone. Seriously the whole thing was such a waste I wonder why Netflix is not more careful about what type of productions they put into their viewing platform. This was really bad. 

Worry Dolls

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Worry Dolls was the only horror film at hand so I gave it a go. It was fairly standart and not really memorable.