Monday, February 12, 2018

Kong: Skull Island

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Kong: Skull Island turned out to be a fun action film with not so good a script and a miscast group of actors. Chinese financing put more Asian actors in this than we are used to and I liked it. Ok Tom Hiddlestone is an actor I can't get to like (and it is probably due to the fact that I saw him in Graham Norton show and instantly took a dislike to his mannerisms and sense of humour and I can't shake it off). Brie Larson is also not an actress I like, she was great in room but I don't like her on screen aura or something I don't know. Anyway the special effects are cheesy but very entertaining and I enjoyed those scenes the best. The film has good messages but it chooses to hit us on the head with them so I ducked under. There is an attempt at emotion but not enough. The villain is probably the best written of all the cardboard characters. Anyway I was entertained but it is not really a good film. 

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