Wednesday, September 16, 2015

You Are Next

You Are Next turned out to be very entertaining. This one will be chock full of spoilers.

So we have a rich old couple who are going to celebrate their wedding anniversary with their 3 sons, 1 daughter and their boyfriend/girlfriend. They seem like good people but mother is taking medicine (presumably for depression or something) and daddy is retired from a weapon manufacturing/sales company. In the beginning of the film we see a couple (with a lot of age difference) have sex  and then get killed. It turns out that they are the neighbours (even if they are the neighbours, they live far enough that they don't see each other looking out the window).

Anyway we have the asshole son and his bitchy girlfriend (somehow after Hostel, the assholes turn out to be important and the good guys usually are the true assholes), the weird son and his weird girlfriend (who looks like goth lite) and the chubby son and his Australian girlfriend who is the final girl, the spoiled daughter and her artsy boyfriend.

Well they are attacked by unknown people wearing animal masks and surprise surprise the Aussie was raised by survivalist parents and she kills one of them right away! People are killed off in nice ways, one of them with a booby trap. I liked it a lot and was entertained to the end.

This is highly recommended.

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