Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blood Diamond

Photo credit: wall.alphacoders.com

Blood Diamond is a film I wouldn't have watched if not for Leonardo Di Caprio. It reminded me of Master of the Game by Sydney Sheldon (Kruger - Brent, Kruger - Brent) now that was a very good novel. I should read it again sometime. Anyway the film is really nothing like the Master of the Game. It is the story of an ex soldier of fortune in Africa who would like to leave the continent and have a peaceful life when the opportunity to do so arose. The other lead is a fisherman who would like a better future for his children but got caught up in a civil war and not only loses his family (literally he loses them and doesn't know where they are or whether they are alive or dead) but after finding a large diamond he is hunted by a commander in one of the parties of the civil war. There child soldiers, people killing eachother like it is nothing. An American journalist who is trying to write a story on blood diamonds (how diamond trade finances the civil war) and she and our protagonist have a frienship -they like eachother too and they have good chemistry-. Anyway I remember crying a lot while watching that one in theater and I once again cried while watching it on TV screen. I liked it and Leo is very good in it. 

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