Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Brutal Art

The Brutal Art is a novel I picked up from a bargain bin somewhere and I don't even remember whether it was even  a cyber bin or not. I was not really hopeful for it either, but got started since I was in the mood for a mystery and this ended up being a pleasant surprise. OK this guy is Alex and Faye Kellerman's son and it turns out I don't have anything against celebrity sons. I like Joe Hill too but nowhere near as much as his father. Jesse Kellerman on the other hand, I liked more than his parents. First off I loved the setting, art scene in NYC and our hero a troubled rich kid who is working as an art dealer. I loved the cold cases, the back story (how a few Jewish immigrants became one of the richest families in USA) and the fact that there was romance but there were other issues more important that that. I liked so much that I will seek out more books form this guy. 

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