Thursday, September 10, 2015

Casino Royale

Casino Royale is the first Bond book I have read and it is still my all time fave. And this Casino Royale adaptation is also my all time fave Bond film. It is a decent adaptation too in the sense that they have altered many things but left the feelings intact.


Bond is a cold, efficient agent who doesn't really care for women apart from having sex with them. Vesper is a finance controller working for the government. They meet for an undercover mission and fall in love. The things is that Vesper is a double agent. And Bond only realises this towards the end. In the book Bond is really tough and they made him a bit softer in the film.

Eva Green is among my favorite actresses. She is very beautiful to my eyes (with that certain hooded eye thing going on, she reminds me Charlotte Rampling) and she is talented. I was really against Daniel Craig as Bond, first and foremost, he is a blond and he didn't look like a gentlemen (Bond in the book has that perfect mix of looking like a gentleman but being really rough and ruthless inside, it is hard to make it work apparently in real life because Bond actors are either gentlemen or rough) Mr. Craig is on the rough side of the spectrum but they managed to work it well and the action is entertaining, the villain is horrible (reliable Mads Mikkelsen) and Bond has to through a lot. Highly recommend even if you are not into Bond. I just didn't like the song in this one but this is the best thing for me not to like :) 

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