Friday, August 24, 2012

Dance with Dragons - End, House Rules,Doc Martin Season 2- Eps 5, True Blood Season 4 Eps 2

Well, end of Ramadan and then Bayram celebrations and my reluctance to go on line at home contributed to the lack of updates. Now let's see if I can come up with a decent round up...

Dance with Dragons ended in a cliff hanger and I wouldn't mind if it is anyone else but Jon??? What happened? Is he alive? I can't wait to read the next book.

So in order to reduce the effect of the withdrawal syndromes, I decided to start a completely different book, in this case Judith Picoult's House Rules. And I like it even more than I thought I would. This lady is a decent writer.

Meanwhile a manager at work thought I'd like British Series Doc Martin and to no one's suprise I love it. It is almost like a Maeve Binchy book. A bit like a Dr.House prototype but much better since there is not anything obvious the way American shows mostly are. Now that is not necessarily a bad thing but in this case being low key works a lot better. Anyway I took a break from it since:

Another colleague at work purchased Season 4 of True Blood and it is one of my favorite series. Not only because of the hotties (and there are two great looking actors) but also I like the humour and its point of view. In this case I think this show is much much better than the books it was inspired from. Now being obvious works wonders in this story :)

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