Monday, August 6, 2012

Be Strong Geum Soon - End, Game of Thrones (TV Series), Water for Elephants, Footloose, Wild Romance Episode 7

Be Strong Geum Soon ended with glory as far as I'm concerned. The last 6 episodes were tear fests and in the best possible way too. I loved all 163 episodes of this and am not scared of the daily dramas now. This show truly satisfied me. And it ended perfectly.

After that I decided to make a complete change and watch Game of Thrones. I love the book(s) and the series are not bad at all. The actors, the costumes, the sets, the music, well the whole production is near perfect. The thing is that the books are long and complicated so it is better to read them and then watch the series.

After that my Korean drama lust returned and I started Wild Romance. The main reason for me to want to watch this is that the guy is really good looking (Lee Dong Wook) and the girl has funny hair. Yeah silly reasons I know but there you go. I'm into these series but not as invested as Geum Soon.
The setting is baseball. A Seagulls fan is forced to be a bodyguard to a Dreamers star player. Well I thought the team angle would be more since I think I can understand it (replace baseball with football and basically you have my country there). Rival teams can cause big problems in relationships. But the issues are different.
The funny haired girl basically fell in love with the hottie in a few episodes - well I don't blame her. He is of the tough exterior softie interior type and looks great. But there actually is someone out there who is after hurting him and they need to find that person. Also he has a past love and she just came back at the end of episode 7.
Now Hottie thinks of Funny Hair as kind of a buddy. He even spooned her out of affection. But Funny Hair is head over heels (I don't blame her, the man is great to look at) and the arrival of past love -and what an entrance jumping on to the guy and declaring that you missed him. I don't like this girl. I'm team Funny Hair all the way.

I also watched Water for Elephants and it is such an unnecessary film. I never understand why they made it. The book must have been better but the film turned me off it. And this is coming from a viewer who loves Reese Witherspoon.

On the other hand the reviewing of Footloose (original) was amazingly entertaining. And not just the nostalgia factor nor it was so bad it is good. I genuinely liked it. Especially the part where he goes with the democratic way to get what he wants. Smart hero.

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