Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Dance With Dragons - Book 2

Last night I have finished the Book 1 and I guess I have fallen asleep reading Book 2 and not because the book is sleep inducing no, a person like me who loves sleeping can only hold out for long.

Now we have chapters on everyone but I'm not sure this was a good idea. I'd rather continue reading more about the characters I have been following from the beginning (unless they are dead that is). But still the prose is gliding and the story is compelling.

I have taken to walk at the thread mill during my lunch break since I'm fasting and I think I'll keep on doing that even when Ramadan is over God willing. Not just because of the exercise but also because I feel happy when walking and reading a book and I'd rather do that than sit and gossip with co workers. Especially when the book as good as A Dance With Dragons.

I had to leave and return to work right when Tyrion was put to auction in a slave market. What a cliffhanger!!

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