Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wild Romance Eps.11, Nana - End, Dance of the Dragons

Wild Romance continues to entertain me despite not being a good drama (editing problems mostly, a lot of the storylines are just left there) Lee Dong Wook is really good looking and I love to watch him.

Now Funny Hair confessed to Wookie but later on turned into a bet or something because Wookie didn't reply him and Jang Hui came right at that time.  Dong A and Manager Gim are nicely paired and while dating they also try to find the dangerous stalker.

In episode 11 Funny Hair bodyguards Jang Hui because Wookie insisted (and if she didn't accept, he would not join the training hence getting yet another penalty). Wookie and Funny Hair get along spledidly and Funny manages to get Jang Hui outside her depression (her cat is killed by the stalker). And while Wookie is at home, the housemaid accidentally burns herself and Wookie takes care of her and takes her home. There we understand that housemaid is actually in love with Wookie in a rather obssesive way but Wookie is clueless as usual and when Jang Hui and Funny Hair are attacked by fat high school kids Funny Hair fights them while Jang Hui gets the police. Funny Hair took quite a beating since there were a lot of those kids but when Wookie rushed of from housemaid's house (saying "Jang Hui" on the phone) he only sees Jang Hui's superficial wound and started to yell at poor Funny Hair who got up and limped her way out of the coffee shop they have met. She is trying so hard not to cry and then Wookie takes her in his arms and puts her in the car (while Jang Hui looks on suddenly realising that Wookie may have feelings for Funny Hair although so far he is not aware that he is falling for Funny Hair, only thinks of her as someone he can trust and enjoys to be with as friends). And then we see the housemaid entering a room covered with photos of Wookie. OMO! Is she the stalker? To be honest I don't think so, mainly because they made it so obvious. It can't be can it? Nah, it can't be that obvious.

Nana finally finished and I even got used to the printing mistakes and started to like it better towards the end. The irony is that I don't think we'll even discuss it with the book club.

I have started Dance of the Dragons and fell right back into that world as if I have never left. This book is extra good because it is focused on my favorite character Jon Snow and my second fave Tyrion Lannister. There is also Daenerys who is the best among the females.

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