Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping

Last night I have started sleeping from 18:30 in the evening, until 7:15 in the morning. I have only got up to say my night prayers and my morning prayers. They should be about 30 minutes in total together. Well I must have really needed it since I feel great today. Also I have not eaten anything since I was sleeping. Well this is wonderful in and of itself but I also managed to go without drinking! Now I'm a happy bunny of sorts and hope to keep this performance up tonight as well. At least I shouldn't eat anything. I probably will drink tea / coffee and/or some herbal drink. Nettle maybe.

Oh I'm well aware that this post is kind of irrelevant and not good at all but what can I do? I need to write something at the moment and it makes sense to put thoughts in here rather than pretend. Most likely I'll end up deleting this one since it doesn't include any information on what I have watched or read but at least it shows that I have managed not to read and/or watch anything yesterday. Well I have read some of Historian but I guess that doesn't count.

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