Monday, February 20, 2012

City Hunter Eps. 5 - 6

Well I still am not very keen on City Hunter. I don't know what it is but somehow I can't seem to get into it. Is it because the female lead who is really dirt poor (she lost her parents house and her current salary to execution lien) is using an Iphone - the same one all the rich characters are using- and wears short shorts bordering on hotpants with designer bags. Usually suspending disbelief comes very easy to me but here I just can't get past these details and feel nothing for the female lead. (Especially after Robbers where his poverty is obvious and they have found a good reason for dressing him up in designer clothes) It doesn't take much to deal with situations like this and it is possible to make you female lead look poor but nice without making her seem slutty (Secret Garden did this very well). The worst thing is that the female lead looks and acts really nice (especially crying) despite the bad nose job.

Lee Min Ho is handsome no doubt but he just doesn't work for me in this. His action scenes are sloppy and seem to be filmed and edited to make him look more of an action star than he really is.

And the lady who plays his mother is the evil step mom in Brilliant Legacy and her performance there as an evil baddie was so good that I can't seem to conjure any sympathy for her in this one (yet)

The good news is that my new dvd player is working very well - there was a strange shakiness but I have mistakenly pushed a button in the remote and it went away, thank God. Now I don't have to wait 40 minutes just to watch things in colour.

Also I have done major cleaning last night. Thank God since dustbunnies started to invade everywhere. I need to change everthing in this room and soon!

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