Friday, February 10, 2012

Robbers - Until the End of Episode 12

I can't help but got hooked by Robbers. I'm aware of its failings but totally caught up with the tragedies of our hero Kwon Oh Jun. He has just found happiness and mend his evil ways and now he is diagnosed with a tumour that is even worse because of the beatings he has received since 10 years.
And the noble idiot decided to lie to Dal Le and tell her that he is tired of her and is going to leave her. I simply hope she will not believe him and be there in his last days. On the other hand poor thing has already lost a husband. Now the man she loves is dying too? Yes everyone will die but they had too short a time. It is better than nothing I guess. I wish the writers will somehow manage a happy ending but I don't think it will happen.

Jang Hyuk, great looking actor who is also so talented and looks so good crying. I just love how his upper lip curls into non existance when he laughs and how non plastic he looks. The new generation of actors all seem to have gone under plastic surgery.

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